A fixed amount of money

A fixed amount of money

If you’ve ever lived paycheck to paycheck, then you understand the root of many of my struggles. There is something legitimately humbling about realizing that you have a fixed amount of money coming in, plus you’ll have to make due with that sum for a designated period of time without exception. There is no one

Contine Reading

More about those smaller a/c units

More about those smaller a/c units

We are going to be getting a new system in the house to keep us comfortable next year. We have been saving up for this thing for about a year now and are ready to pull the trigger and get it from the store down the street. They will install it and guarantee it for

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Waiting until Monday morning to schedule AC repair

Waiting until Monday morning to schedule AC repair

For seven months of the year, the average temperature in Jacksonville, Florida, climbs above eighty degrees. Conditions frequently soar into the nineties or even the triple digits with brutal humidity. The air conditioner is essential. Because of the intensive workload, wear and tear is inevitable. I make sure to replace the air filter every six

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May Snowstorm

May Snowstorm

Something I forgot about my childhood property was that my great friend and I could unquestionably experience all four seasons in one afternoon. I am originally from a unquestionably frosty region of the country, but as a child, I experienced countless snow storms that would close university for numerous consecutive days. I remember having a

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Always check your air vents for teen nonsense

Always check your air vents for teen nonsense

If you don’t have a professional Heating & A/C worker coming out to perform air duct work cleanings, make sure that you take a gander inside of your air vents on your own When you are becoming a parent nobody can tell you exactly what to expect; You can study every book on Amazon and

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Have a baby, lose your sanity

Have a baby, lose your sanity

Sometimes I absolutely wonder about my decision to become a mother. When I was growing up I felt like it was expected that I would become a mom plus just like most people had before me. However, in hindsight I wonder if this was the right decision for the life that I hoped to lead.

Contine Reading

Needing the air conditioning for a wonderful night's sleep

Needing the air conditioning for a wonderful night's sleep

I spend a lot of time at my guy’s apartment… I usually spend the weekend up there, but so I will sleep there for two or three afternoons, and he always does not like to keep the air conditioning on. However at night my friend and I love to keep the air conditioning running… At

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Things to keep in mind when choosing HVAC companies

Things to keep in mind when choosing HVAC companies

I was always told that any service that does work for you, it should be completely professional. As a homeowner who is picky on which companies that do work for my home such as landscaping, cleaning services and plumbing, I am a big advocate on who I choose for my HVAC company. About 3 years

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Can’t use HVAC towards the end of the month

Can’t use HVAC towards the end of the month

In the winter, I’m able to happily run my furnace and combat the chill of the outdoor air If you’ve ever lived paycheck to paycheck, then you understand the root of many of my struggles. There is something truly humbling about realizing that you have a fixed amount of money coming in, and you’ll have

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Different types of thermostats for the home

Different types of thermostats for the home

The weekend is here and that means it is going to be time to clean the house again. Laundry will have to get done and the floors will have to be mopped, along with a whole host of other things that my wife comes up with to do. I like to do chores around the

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Living a great life with a smart temperature control

Living a great life with a smart temperature control

There is nothing I love more than having a apartment that feels so comfy, and i love when I walk into my apartment right after work and I can feel my body overcome with relief. I just feel so relaxed and at ease; Everything that happened during the afternoon whether it be great or bad

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Custom upholstery for an antique table

Custom upholstery for an antique table

One of my number one things to do is going to estate sales… They are so fun plus you never know what you might come across, sometimes, I find things like plates plus decor, but other times, I come across a timeless piece of furniture that I can’t pass up. That is exactly what happened

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Bikes plus thermostats today

Bikes plus thermostats today

Some models also have the ability to detect fluctuations in temperature outside plus adjust the heating or cooling accordingly I was just shopping at the store with my bike outside plus the saleslady said that two men were eyeing my bike to steal. She went out there plus then the men left, so I undoubtedly

Contine Reading

Company meeting being too warm due to furnace

Company meeting being too warm due to furnace

During this time of the year when the holidays come there is a lot that needs to get at property and at work. At property I have the stress of wrapping presents, decorating and preparing food for our family Christmas meal. Sometimes my children will help me decorate but they will locale our Christmas decorations

Contine Reading

My air conditioner kills germs.

My air conditioner kills germs.

In the summer time it is nice to have a good air conditioner running during the hot hours of the day. I have always enjoyed my central air conditioning and my window air conditioner installed in my bedroom but what’s even better about my air conditioners is that mine clean the air as they blow

Contine Reading

Needing the air conditioning for a good night's sleep

Needing the air conditioning for a good night's sleep

I spend a lot of time at my boyfriend’s apartment. I usually spend the weekend up there. So I will sleep there for two or three nights. He typically does not like to keep the air conditioning on. However at night we love to keep the air conditioning running. At night it seems so much

Contine Reading

Heating, Ventilation, and A/C worker ins and outs

Heating, Ventilation, and A/C worker ins and outs

Thinking of getting into a modern line of work? There are a ton of tasks out there and a lot of them pay well and offer fantastic benefits. I’ve worn multiple hats over the years, going from being an engineer in the Valley to a comedian in Europe and beyond. Life is about living and

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Heating and A/C serviceman ins and outs

Heating and A/C serviceman ins and outs

Thinking of getting into a current line of work? There are a ton of tasks out there and a lot of them spend money well and offer good benefits. I’ve worn several hats over the years, going from being an engineer in the Valley to a comedian in Europe and beyond. Life is about residing

Contine Reading

Refrigerant leak with air conditioner

Refrigerant leak with air conditioner

It lasted for one year, and then we had the same concern with hot air again My husband and I had been shopping for a home in St. Augustine, Florida, for several years before we finally found a property that both met our needs and was priced within our budget. The area is highly sought-after

Contine Reading

Ready for the temperature to drop for fall

Ready for the temperature to drop for fall

I absolutely care about the summer time time. There’s no doubt, if I had to choose a number one season it would be the delightfully hot summer time months. It seems like every year my buddy and I all spend the winter season and Spring counting down until the first afternoon of summer, looking forward

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Car does not have heater

Car does not have heater

The heat comes and goes My boyfriend sent me a text message on the coldest day of the year saying that the heater in his truck had stopped working. I know how cold he must have been driving to work that day because my old car did not have heating. We live in a warm

Contine Reading

Have a baby, lose your sanity

Have a baby, lose your sanity

Sometimes I honestly wonder about my decision to become a mother. When I was growing up I felt like it was expected that I would become a Dad and just like everyone had before me. However, in hindsight I wonder if this was the right decision for the life that I hoped to lead. I

Contine Reading

Freon in an cooling system unit

Freon in an cooling system unit

Being a hermit all winter is getting stale, so today I am going to go to the beach for dinner and eat my salad in the sand. I’ll come back in an hour and do my yoga session at loft because I don’t like getting sand in my yoga mat. It is actually tough to

Contine Reading

Space furnace causes house fire

Space furnace causes house fire

On a cool night in a small town, one family faced a tragedy they would never forget. The family had an outing busy for that night. They were planning a dinner for their oldest daughter’s birthday. It was a surprise dinner, as well as the family was all in on it. In a rush to

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Inconsistent temperature in restaurant

Inconsistent temperature in restaurant

At the end of the week, I reviewed the surveys left by the guests. I worked in a restaurant that was very large. In some parts of the restaurant, it would be very cold while in other parts, it would be too hot. I read a review from a customer that found this to be

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Summer Vacation

Summer Vacation

Last summer, my family and I took a getaway to visit a tropical island and indulged in an all inclusive resort. I was so excited, especially because this was my first time visiting a tropical location. My associate and I spent weeks preparing for the trip. I could barely focus at school because all I

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This condensation is going to be a problem for us

This condensation is going to be a problem for us

I’m no stranger to the heat of summer, but living in the southern half of the country is genuinely mindblowing this season. The heat never lets up around here, plus either does the oppressive relative humidity. The continual barrage of discomfort caused by the pounding sun, the stagnant air, plus the suffocating moisture gets old

Contine Reading

What could be the setback when the boiler fails to produce heat

What could be the setback when the boiler fails to produce heat

Furnaces are excellent heating solutions for most homes, however it is one of the most viable & practical Heating & Air Conditioning solutions for homeowners seeking a permanent heating solution for winter. However, its efficiency & effectiveness depend on how well it is used… For instance, your boiler is less likely to provide you troubles

Contine Reading

Monday cleaning is better with a nice ventilation system

Monday cleaning is better with a nice ventilation system

It is Monday once again, then every Monday I take the time to scrub areas of the home that seem like they need a nice cleaning, sometimes it is the bathroom and sporadically it is the dining room. I do not scrub each one every week though. We can manage to live another week. I

Contine Reading

Summer Plans

Summer Plans

I have been teaching in an elementary school for ten years. One of the greatest perks of my occupation is the getaway time. I appreciate one week of Christmas getaway, one week of winter season break, and one week of Springtime break plus summers off. All of my non-professor friends get jealous of all the

Contine Reading

I know I have bills waiting for me

I know I have bills waiting for me

I wouldn’t be surprised if they were operating the air conditioning system at an extremely high level without any regard for the energy bills that would follow. I am getting pretty nervous about returning home. I have been staying with my mom for almost 3 months now unexpectedly. I never thought that I would be

Contine Reading

The temperature just keeps on dropping

The temperature just keeps on dropping

I truly appreciate the summer time time. There’s no doubt, if I had to choose a number one season it would be the delightfully warm summer time months. It seems like every year my pal and I all spend the winter time plus Spring counting down until the first morning of summer, looking forward to

Contine Reading

The boiler ruined a movie night

The boiler ruined a movie night

The boiler ruined a movie night for me plus my partner… My associate and I had planned on enjoying a movie my great friend and I both enjoyed while snuggled up on the couch. It was a cold evening, plus my great friend and I had made hot chocolate. My partner had had a long

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