My boiler helped me stay healthy.

My boiler helped me stay healthy.

There are multiple people in the world who have dust irritations that come every Springtime plus sporadically in the fall, during these seasons it is respected for people to get the respected cold, last September it was getting really chilly plus I knew I was going to be a victim of the respected chilly again,

Contine Reading

I opportunity up strange jobs; radiant radiant floors

I opportunity up strange jobs; radiant radiant floors

I am not the type of person who is averse to working with my hands. I know that a lot of folks these afternoons are certainly scared of working up a sweat or getting a scratch on their body. I am certainly not the same kind of human. In fact, there is nothing that I

Contine Reading

I have had amazing experiences with HVAC.

I have had amazing experiences with HVAC.

My first job out of college was being an HVAC technician. I loved my job and enjoyed helping people get the best air quality possible in their home. Through working for HVAC I got a thorough understanding of how air conditioners and furnaces work and what to look for in a dysfunctional unit. This knowledge

Contine Reading

Have a baby, lose your sanity

Have a baby, lose your sanity

Sometimes I truly wonder about my decision to become a mother. When I was growing up I felt like it was expected that I would become a mom and just like everyone had before me. However, in hindsight I wonder if this was the right decision for the life that I hoped to lead. I

Contine Reading

Company meeting being too hot due to boiler

Company meeting being too hot due to boiler

During this time of the year when the holidays come there is a lot that needs to get at household and at work. At household I have the stress of wrapping presents, decorating and preparing food for our family Christmas meal. Sporadically my children will help me decorate but they will place our Christmas decorations

Contine Reading

Temperature difference indoor-outdoor is causing condensation

Temperature difference indoor-outdoor is causing condensation

I’m no stranger to the heat of summer, however residing in the southern half of the country is entirely mindblowing this season. The heat never lets up around here, and either does the oppressive relative humidity. The continual barrage of discomfort caused by the pounding sun, the stagnant air, and the suffocating moisture gets old

Contine Reading

Living a superb life with a smart control unit

Living a superb life with a smart control unit

There is nothing I cherish more than having a home that feels so comfy, however i cherish when I walk into my home right after toil plus I can feel my body overcome with relief. I just feel so relaxed plus at ease. Everything that happened while in the afternoon whether it be superb or

Contine Reading

When I notice the AC, I know something is wrong with the kids

When I notice the AC, I know something is wrong with the kids

It’s rather hard to be a parent these nights. It seems like there has nothing you can do right because the entire global environment is burning to the ground. As if it wasn’t hard enough to be a working parent before.., then now there is nowhere to send your kids. Obviously, my buddy and I

Contine Reading

Thermostat flip to go from heating to cooling

Thermostat flip to go from heating to cooling

We’ve turned the corner in addition to flipped the page, then it’s May here in addition to my good friend and I are fully into the first part of Springtime, but there are attractive, light red leaves on the trees that are like little babies. And the pollen is covering the cars everyday. In some

Contine Reading

I pick up odd jobs; radiant heated floors

I pick up odd jobs; radiant heated floors

I am not the type of person who is averse to working with my hands. I know that a lot of folks these days are legitimately scared of working up a sweat or getting a scratch on their body. I am absolutely not the same kind of human. In fact, there’s nothing that I appreciate

Contine Reading

Ready for the temperature to drop for fall

Ready for the temperature to drop for fall

I absolutely care about the summer time time. There’s no doubt, if I had to choose a number one season it would be the delightfully hot summer time months. It seems like every year my buddy and I all spend the winter season and Spring counting down until the first afternoon of summer, looking forward

Contine Reading

Cleaning the ductwork system

Cleaning the ductwork system

Spring is on the way and we are planning on cleaning the house from top to bottom. It isn’t actually a house but more of a flat, or like they call it in the states an apartment. We live in a three story building, which is like most of the other buildings in our town,

Contine Reading

So humid that my hair won’t dry

So humid that my hair won’t dry

I’m not sure if you’ve ever had this certain problem, although I unquestionably hate when my hair won’t dry, however there is nothing so aggravating as taking a shower in the afternoon, and feeling your own wet hair and scalp for the rest of the afternoon. The sensation is uncomfortable for me, and I don’t

Contine Reading

Studying is hard in the heat

Studying is hard in the heat

When you’re going back to university it feels like being immersed in a whole modern world. I really forgot what it was like to be a student until this week. It turns out, being students again is rather stressful plus difficult. I have so multiple things on my plate between working plus attending university part-time

Contine Reading

I wasn’t trying to be late – buyer holds me up

I wasn’t trying to be late – buyer holds me up

I have to say that I am a real stickler for being on time. When people keep me waiting or I have unnecessary downtime in my day I get easily upset plus angry. I am not a big fan of waiting around for anybody or wasting my own time. That’s why I make an excellent

Contine Reading

Getting a modern air conditioning component for my cat

Getting a modern air conditioning component for my cat

My pet prefers to lay in my bed with me. She will usually lay beside me all night long, however during the afternoon she will go outside as well as do whatever she does. I cherish to snuggle him at night. It is particularly my favorite thing to do. I have noticed lately that she

Contine Reading

The boiler ruined a movie night

The boiler ruined a movie night

The boiler ruined a movie night for me plus my partner… My associate and I had planned on enjoying a movie my great friend and I both enjoyed while snuggled up on the couch. It was a cold evening, plus my great friend and I had made hot chocolate. My partner had had a long

Contine Reading

When to replace ductwork

When to replace ductwork

The town is quiet today with most of the locals out of the area on vacation in other parts. It is one of the most quiet times of the year now in the start of February and it will remain this way up until the end of April. After that, it is going to slowly

Contine Reading

My first winter time in a southern state

My first winter time in a southern state

That’s why I’m so gleeful to be living in the south this year for a totally new winter time experience. I was born in the midwest, grew up in the midwest, plus began my adulthood in the midwest. t’s not to say that I was fond of the weather plus terrain, so much as I

Contine Reading

Thermostat flip to go from heating to cooling

Thermostat flip to go from heating to cooling

We’ve turned the corner & flipped the page… It’s May here & my good friend and I are fully into the first part of Spring… There are beautiful, light green leaves on the trees that are like little babies! And the pollen is covering the cars everyday. In some cases, it’s like the trees are

Contine Reading

Different types of thermostats for the home

Different types of thermostats for the home

The weekend is here and that means it is going to be time to clean the house again. Laundry will have to get done and the floors will have to be mopped, along with a whole host of other things that my wife comes up with to do. I like to do chores around the

Contine Reading

Monday cleaning is better with a nice ventilation system

Monday cleaning is better with a nice ventilation system

It is Monday once again, then every Monday I take the time to scrub areas of the home that seem like they need a nice cleaning, sometimes it is the bathroom and sporadically it is the dining room. I do not scrub each one every week though. We can manage to live another week. I

Contine Reading

Make sure you get the best equipment

Make sure you get the best equipment

If you are going to be an HVAC technician, it is important that you make sure you get the best heating and cooling equipment you can. In my own personal experience as an HVAC technician, success when fixing an air conditioner, air purifier, or furnace is often dependent on the quality of your equipment. If

Contine Reading

Inconsistent temperature in restaurant

Inconsistent temperature in restaurant

I worked in a restaurant that was truly large. In some parts of the restaurant, it would be truly frigid during other parts, it would be too hot. I learn a review from a buyer that found this to be truly odd plus un charming. The restaurant only had one control unit, so if it

Contine Reading

This is the feeling I'm looking for

This is the feeling I'm looking for

I’m not sure if you’ve ever had this particular problem, although I truly hate when my hair won’t dry… There is nothing so aggravating as taking a shower in the morning, plus feeling your own wet hair plus scalp for the rest of the morning. The sensation is uncomfortable for me, plus I don’t appreciate

Contine Reading

Temperature difference indoor-outdoor is causing condensation

Temperature difference indoor-outdoor is causing condensation

I’m no stranger to the heat of summer, but living in the southern half of the country is really mindblowing this season. The heat never lets up around here, and either does the oppressive relative humidity. The continual barrage of discomfort caused by the pounding sun, the stagnant air, and the suffocating moisture gets old

Contine Reading

No more commercial Heating plus Air Conditioning for me

No more commercial Heating plus Air Conditioning for me

I periodically wonder what’s going on inside the zone controlled Heating plus Air Conditioning of my outdated office. That was such a nice venue to work. The cut room was to die for. There was a big screen TV, a full dining room plus the comfiest chairs to relax in. But I easily didn’t get

Contine Reading

Unbalanced air duct system leaving some rooms too cold

Unbalanced air duct system leaving some rooms too cold

I told him about how some rooms feel colder than others. I really love when winter comes. I’m able to go outside and enjoy the snow and mountains with a lot of my friends. When the snow hits and there’s enough on the mountain to go snowboarding, my friends and I will pack up and

Contine Reading

No more commercial HVAC for me

No more commercial HVAC for me

I sporadically wonder what’s going on inside the zone controlled HVAC of my outdated office. That was such a nice place to work. The break room was to die for. There was a big screen TV, a full entryway plus the comfiest chairs to relax in. But I actually didn’t get to enjoy the break

Contine Reading

Car does not have heater

Car does not have heater

The heat comes and goes My boyfriend sent me a text message on the coldest day of the year saying that the heater in his truck had stopped working. I know how cold he must have been driving to work that day because my old car did not have heating. We live in a warm

Contine Reading

I had some concerns and the HVAC tech quelled them

I had some concerns and the HVAC tech quelled them

My fiance is a real chef, plus it’s an amazing perk in our relationship for yours truly, however her family believes this is how you demonstrate appreciate to the people you hold dear, so I reap the rewards of her passion for cooking, every evening she makes me an amazing gourmet meal with the utmost

Contine Reading