Whole Home Cooling

So humid that my hair won’t dry

So humid that my hair won’t dry

I’m not sure if you’ve ever had this certain problem, although I unquestionably hate when my hair won’t dry, however there is nothing so aggravating as taking a shower in the afternoon, and feeling your own wet hair and scalp for the rest of the afternoon. The sensation is uncomfortable for me, and I don’t

Contine Reading

Talking about Heating and Air Conditioning with husband from FL

Talking about Heating and Air Conditioning with husband from FL

My husband is a really funny guy. He’s full-blooded Cuban, but you would never know it. He’ll also never let you forget that he’s from Florida, plus he drops that information every single opportunity he gets. In fact, his propensity for mentioning this bit of personal trivia is so significant that we’ve even made a

Contine Reading

My first winter in a southern state

My first winter in a southern state

I was born in the midwest, grew up in the midwest, plus began my adulthood in the midwest. t’s not to say that I was fond of the weather plus terrain, so much as I lived there based on familiarity. Truthfully, the weather conditions there was bad plus left a lot to be desired. The

Contine Reading

So humid that my hair won’t dry

So humid that my hair won’t dry

I’m not sure if you’ve ever had this certain problem, however I absolutely hate when my hair won’t dry, and there is nothing so aggravating as taking a shower in the afternoon, and feeling your own wet hair and scalp for the rest of the afternoon. The sensation is uncomfortable for me, and I don’t

Contine Reading

Concert stadium is always so hot

Concert stadium is always so hot

I cherish my partner to death and I try to support him in everything that he does. This is generally easy because I am interested in the things he does and also because he is genuinely wonderful at these activities, not to mention because I cherish him to death and can’t be apart from him.

Contine Reading

Waiting for Springtime is painful

Waiting for Springtime is painful

I know plenty of people who swear that they cherish residing in our area because they couldn’t rest to be in a weather conditions that was constant all year round. They insist that the changing seasons make all the difference in their happiness, and they can’t even imagine having one set of weather conditions for

Contine Reading

Temperature difference indoor-outdoor is causing condensation

Temperature difference indoor-outdoor is causing condensation

I’m no stranger to the heat of summer, however residing in the southern half of the country is entirely mindblowing this season. The heat never lets up around here, and either does the oppressive relative humidity. The continual barrage of discomfort caused by the pounding sun, the stagnant air, and the suffocating moisture gets old

Contine Reading

Waiting for Spring is painful

Waiting for Spring is painful

I know plenty of people who swear that they appreciate living in our area because they couldn’t sit to be in a weather conditions that was constant all year round. They insist that the changing seasons make all the difference in their happiness, plus they can’t even imagine having one set of weather conditions for

Contine Reading

I hate the winter weather

I hate the winter weather

I like to feel that I’m a fairly hardened individual, as far as physical prowess is worried. I have a genuinely high pain threshold due to years of suffering from chronic migraines, and from the burden of growing up with two older siblings. These factors combined have helped to form me into a rough plus

Contine Reading

The temperature just keeps on dropping

The temperature just keeps on dropping

I truly appreciate the summer time time. There’s no doubt, if I had to choose a number one season it would be the delightfully warm summer time months. It seems like every year my pal and I all spend the winter time plus Spring counting down until the first morning of summer, looking forward to

Contine Reading

This condensation is going to be a problem for us

This condensation is going to be a problem for us

I’m no stranger to the heat of summer, but living in the southern half of the country is genuinely mindblowing this season. The heat never lets up around here, plus either does the oppressive relative humidity. The continual barrage of discomfort caused by the pounding sun, the stagnant air, plus the suffocating moisture gets old

Contine Reading

A repair done the right way

A repair done the right way

I’m so fortunate to have a woman who knows how to do stereoalways manly things around the house. I somehow hit the jackpot plus ended up with a woman who can spend the morning diagnosing plus repairing intricate automobile issues, the afternoon doing physical work plus fixing things around the house, plus the evening charcoal

Contine Reading

I had some concerns and the HVAC tech quelled them

I had some concerns and the HVAC tech quelled them

My fiance is a real chef, plus it’s an amazing perk in our relationship for yours truly, however her family believes this is how you demonstrate appreciate to the people you hold dear, so I reap the rewards of her passion for cooking, every evening she makes me an amazing gourmet meal with the utmost

Contine Reading

This is the feeling I'm looking for

This is the feeling I'm looking for

I’m not sure if you’ve ever had this particular problem, although I truly hate when my hair won’t dry… There is nothing so aggravating as taking a shower in the morning, plus feeling your own wet hair plus scalp for the rest of the morning. The sensation is uncomfortable for me, plus I don’t appreciate

Contine Reading

Talking about Heating and Air Conditioning with hubby from FL

Talking about Heating and Air Conditioning with hubby from FL

My hubby is a genuinely funny guy. He’s full-blooded Cuban, however you would never know it. He’ll also never let you forget that he’s from Florida, and he drops that information every single chance he gets. In fact, his propensity for mentioning this bit of personal trivia is so significant that we’ve even made a

Contine Reading

Not looking forward to winter

Not looking forward to winter

I like to guess that I’m a fairly hardened individual, as far as physical prowess is upset. I have a undoubtedly high pain threshold due to years of suffering from chronic migraines, as well as from the burden of growing up with two older siblings. These factors combined have helped to form me into a

Contine Reading

Husband wants to save on Heating and Air Conditioning repair

Husband wants to save on Heating and Air Conditioning repair

I’m so fortunate to have a man who knows how to do stereoconsistently manly things around the house. I somehow hit the jackpot and ended up with a guy who can spend the afternoon diagnosing and repairing intricate car concerns, the afternoon doing physical work and fixing things around the house, and the evening charcoal

Contine Reading

Talking about Heating plus A/C with fiance from FL

Talking about Heating plus A/C with fiance from FL

He’s so used to this disappointing air quality that she isn’t even phased when it’s well over 100 degrees outside My fiance is a genuinely funny woman. He’s full-blooded Cuban, but you would never know it. He’ll also never let you forget that he’s from FL, plus she drops that information every single chance she

Contine Reading

My first winter time in a southern state

My first winter time in a southern state

That’s why I’m so gleeful to be living in the south this year for a totally new winter time experience. I was born in the midwest, grew up in the midwest, plus began my adulthood in the midwest. t’s not to say that I was fond of the weather plus terrain, so much as I

Contine Reading

A fixed amount of money

A fixed amount of money

If you’ve ever lived paycheck to paycheck, then you understand the root of many of my struggles. There is something legitimately humbling about realizing that you have a fixed amount of money coming in, plus you’ll have to make due with that sum for a designated period of time without exception. There is no one

Contine Reading

Custom accents for an antique table

Custom accents for an antique table

One of my favorite things to do is going to estate sales; They are so fun and you never know what you might come across, sometimes, I find things like plates and decor, however other times, I come across a timeless piece of furniture that I can’t pass up. That is exactly what happened last

Contine Reading

Custom upholstery for an antique table

Custom upholstery for an antique table

One of my number one things to do is going to estate sales… They are so fun plus you never know what you might come across, sometimes, I find things like plates plus decor, but other times, I come across a timeless piece of furniture that I can’t pass up. That is exactly what happened

Contine Reading

Custom padding for an antique table

Custom padding for an antique table

One of my favorite things to do doing is going to estate sales; They are so fun plus you never know what you might come across. Sometimes, I find things like plates plus decor, however other times, I come across a timeless piece of furniture that I can’t pass up. That is exactly what happened

Contine Reading

Custom seats for an antique table

Custom seats for an antique table

One of my favorite things to do is going to estate sales, and they are so fun and you never know what you might come across! Sporadically, I find things like plates and decor, but other times, I come across a timeless piece of furniture that I can’t pass up. That is exactly what happened

Contine Reading

Custom chairs for an antique table

Custom chairs for an antique table

One of my favorite things to do is going to estate sales. They are so fun and you never know what you might come across. Sometimes, I find things like plates and decor, but other times, I come across a timeless piece of furniture that I can’t pass up. That is exactly what happened last

Contine Reading

What could be the drawback when the heater fails to produce heat

What could be the drawback when the heater fails to produce heat

Furnaces are excellent heating solutions for most homes… It is one of the most viable plus practical Heating plus A/C solutions for homeowners seeking a permanent heating solution for winter, however, its efficiency plus effectiveness depend on how well it is used, for instance, your heater is less likely to provide you complications plus require

Contine Reading

What could be the mishap when the furnace fails to produce heat

What could be the mishap when the furnace fails to produce heat

Furnaces are excellent heating solutions for most homes, but it is one of the most viable plus practical Heating and Air Conditioning solutions for homeowners seeking a permanent heating solution for winter, but however, its efficiency plus effectiveness depend on how well it is used; For instance, your furnace is less likely to provide you

Contine Reading

What could be the setback when the boiler fails to produce heat

What could be the setback when the boiler fails to produce heat

Furnaces are excellent heating solutions for most homes, however it is one of the most viable & practical Heating & Air Conditioning solutions for homeowners seeking a permanent heating solution for winter. However, its efficiency & effectiveness depend on how well it is used… For instance, your boiler is less likely to provide you troubles

Contine Reading

What could be the concern when the boiler fails to produce heat

What could be the concern when the boiler fails to produce heat

Furnaces are excellent heating solutions for most homes; It is one of the most viable plus practical Heating plus Air Conditioning solutions for homeowners seeking a permanent heating solution for winter; However, its efficiency plus effectiveness depend on how well it is used! For instance, your boiler is less likely to supply you concerns plus

Contine Reading

What could be the issue when the furnace fails to produce heat

What could be the issue when the furnace fails to produce heat

Furnaces are excellent heating solutions for most homes. It is one of the most viable and practical HVAC solutions for homeowners seeking a permanent heating solution for winter. However, its efficiency and effectiveness depend on how well it is used. For instance, your furnace is less likely to give you issues and require numerous professional

Contine Reading

Summer Vacation

Summer Vacation

Last summer, my family and I took a vacation to visit a tropical island and indulged in an all inclusive resort. I was so excited, especially because this was my first time visiting a tropical place. We spent weeks preparing for the trip. I could barely focus at school because all I could think about

Contine Reading

Heating Blankets

Heating Blankets

Last Christmas, my mother bought me many small gifts that were great for a first time home owner. She bought me many home repair guides, kitchen supplies, and various things she thought I would need. I thought it was all very considerate of her. However, she did go overboard on some of the gifts. One

Contine Reading

Heater Maxed Out

Heater Maxed Out

A few weeks ago, we had the biggest snow storm that our city had ever seen. It knocked down electrical poles and trees. Many homes were without heat or electricity. It was a nightmare of a storm. Luckily, my house did not lose power or electricity. My parents blasted the heater at its highest setting

Contine Reading



Every year, my parents hold an annual backyard barbecue for the neighborhood friends and families. They have been doing this since I was a young child. Everyone looks forward to this annual event. When I was old enough, I started inviting school friends to partake in the fun. No matter the weather, my parents always

Contine Reading

April Snowstorm

April Snowstorm

My car’s heating and cooling systems could not keep up with the constant changes I am originally from a very cold region of the country. As a child, I experienced countless snow storms that would close school for several consecutive days. I remember having a full week off of school from a strong blizzard. Growing

Contine Reading

Summer Plans

Summer Plans

I have been teaching in an elementary school for ten years. One of the biggest perks of my occupation is the vacation time. I enjoy one week of Christmas vacation, one week of winter break, and one week of spring break in addition to summers off. All of my non-teacher friends get jealous of all

Contine Reading

Train Heating System

Train Heating System

I spend a lot of time traveling. I moved away to a big city when I was eighteen years old. Since then, I visit home every two months. Booking flights can get expensive, especially when I am traveling that frequently, so I try taking the train to cut costs. I don’t mind the long train

Contine Reading

Cheap Repair

Cheap Repair

Last winter, I was really low on cash. After contemplating it for months, I quit my job and was living off of my small savings account. As you can probably imagine, the funds dwindled quickly. I spent months trying to find a new job, but it seemed like no one was hiring. Just when I

Contine Reading

Heater Maxed Out

Heater Maxed Out

A few weeks ago, my great friend and I had the biggest snow storm that our neighborhood had ever seen. It knocked down electrical poles and trees. Many homes were without heat or electricity. It was a nightmare of a storm. Luckily, my home did not lose power or electricity. My parents blasted the heater

Contine Reading