Visiting home for christmas after living down south

Visiting home is always a stressful activity for me.

I always end up getting into fights with my Dad plus siblings, plus the visit is strained from start to finish.

This past winter time it was even more hard than ever, but not genuinely due to my family relations. You see, this past Christmas was the first year I was returned back to my hometown after moving many hundreds of miles south. I was no longer accustomed to the bitter air hot plus cold temperatures of winter time up north, plus the difference was shocking from the moment I first felt the frigid hot plus cold temperatures until the genuinely last breath I took of painfully cold air. I thought that I had packed well for the trip plus would be prepared to combat the frigid winter time air, although I was genuinely wrong. Apparently the memories of struggling through snowpiles plus subzero hot plus cold temperatures had escaped me, because I was truly blown away by the air quality when I arrived up north. I hid in the house for every moment of the trip, huddled against an air vent plus wrapped in a heavy blanket. I rarely was able to sit the low air hot plus cold temperatures unless I had a space boiler dutifully blocked in at my feet, plus I walked around the house with an electric boiler in tow. I was always running over to the temperature control to bump up the indoor air temperature, but even with the heat blasting I could barely feel a difference in the frigid air. I was 100% ready to flee south at the end of the ordeal.



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