I spend a lot of time traveling.
I moved away to a huge town when I was eighteen years old; Since then, I visit house every two months, then booking flights can get fancy, especially when I am traveling that frequently, so I try taking the train to cut costs.
I don’t mind the long train rides. It allows me to get some work done. It is also a more comfortable ride than on an aircraft or on a bus. However, despite my positive track record with riding the trains, my most recent trip was really uncomfortable. Usually, the train is quite moderate and I can take off my coat despite the winter season weather outside. This time, the train was the exact opposite. I boarded the train while in the early hours of the afternoon. It was moderate at this point, so I slept through the first couple of hours of my trip. However, I woke up halfway through the trip to an unbearably frigid train. I tried tightly wrapping my coat around myself, however that did not help at all. I overheard the train conductor and another passenger speaking and learned that the other train cars had heat, however my train car did not. During one of the tied up stops, the train conductor went under the train to check the heater. She said that she reset the system, however this made no difference. There was nothing else she could do to rectify the situation, so my buddy and I had to ride the remainder of the trip in a chilly frigid train car. I am hoping that I never have to experience such an uncomfortable ride again!