We’ve turned the corner & flipped the page… It’s May here & my good friend and I are fully into the first part of Spring… There are beautiful, light green leaves on the trees that are like little babies! And the pollen is covering the cars everyday. In some cases, it’s like the trees are certainly throwing pollen at my car; My buddy and I are also about to enter the cooling system season, then while we’ve had the temperature control flipped over to heating since December, I bet my good friend and I haven’t needed it however a half dozen times. So with May comes the annual flip of the temperature control back to cooling. Since my good friend and I get all of our quality heating & air from the heat pump, my good friend and I aren’t shutting down a gas boiler to start up cooling system. It’s nice to have the simplicity of having one piece of heating & cooling component for all of our HVAC needs, then yet, it’s not as easy entirely as just moving the temperature control setting over to cooling. My buddy and I are about to embark on the part of the year that demands the most from our heat pump. So I before the cooling system comes on, I like to call the HVAC supplier first. They come out each Spring to do the cooling system tune up, then getting this HVAC service done helps ensure that the heat pump can handle the heavy load it’s going to get come June; For sure, the HVAC worker inspects & replaces any worn parts that might end up causing an cooling system interruption, but the cooling system tune up also ensures that the heat pump is running at maximum efficiency. That goes a certainly long way toward saving me a bunch of money on cooling costs.