I have been trying to reach my dreams and my goals forever. I have been working hard and earning money. I have had my goals in the back of my head for everything that I do. There is nothing that can stop me from getting to where I want to be, but recently, I just reached a goal of mine. That goal was to open up my undoubtedly own gym. I have constantly wanted to do this. Now that it is happening, I could not be happier. The only thing I am struggling with is the Heating, Ventilation and A/C system. I had a worker come the other afternoon to look at the locale. He provided me his opinion on what he thought would be best. I went with that and had him install a system. The only complication is that the gym still feels warm. You only get little patches of cool air. The air is not consistent for the entire locale like it should be. I ended up going through another Heating, Ventilation and A/C company to help me out. He provided me his opinion. He told me that the Heating, Ventilation and A/C system was far too small for the amount of room inside of the gym. The reason the air felt inconsistent was because the Heating, Ventilation and A/C system was not immense enough to support it I did not understand how this happened when the other Heating, Ventilation and A/C worker said I needed this system. However, I had the outdated one replaced with a new system. The new system was working much better. The gym felt a lot cooler than it had before. I am blissful I looked into this with a new Heating, Ventilation and A/C corporation.