I have been teaching in an elementary university for ten years.
One of the biggest perks of my occupation is the holiday time.
I prefer one week of Christmas holiday, one week of winter break, and one week of Springtime cut in addition to summers off. All of my non-professor friends get jealous of all the time off and the traveling I get to do because of the time off. During the individual week holidays, I usually take local trips, and during the summers, I take on bigger trips. I consistently choose an international endpoint. I have been to numerous unusual countries, and I hope to continue adding to my list of visited countries! I never mind the long flights. I don’t mind the airplane food or the layovers! The only thing that bothers me during my international trips is the cooling systems in all airports and airplanes. It seems like they are consistently set to cold hot and cold temperatures. I could be flying to a tropical endpoint, despite the fact that I will still wear hot clothes for the cold flights. Any time I have complained and asked the stewardess for extra blankets, I am consistently told to close the vent above my seat. I have tried this too numerous times, and it never provides any comfort. This summer, I booked two international trips and I will be prepared for the flights. I am planning to bring thermal clothing and thick socks for these trips. If this doesn’t help, then I am completely out of ideas. I don’t want to stop my international travels due to some freezing air conditioning! My fingers are crossed that this solution works.