I spend a lot of time at my guy’s apartment… I usually spend the weekend up there! So I will sleep there for two or three days. She always does not like to keep the air conditioner on. However at night my enjoyable friend and I love to keep the air conditioner running, then at night it seems so much better to sleep in the freezing rather than in the warms. I also like to sleep when it is freezing inside the house because after that I get to snuggle all night. I would much rather have the house freezing then have it be warm. In fact after she goes to bed I make sure to turn the temperature up a little bit cooler, but once my enjoyable friend and I had to sleep with a bunch of fans on in addition to with the window open. Her Heating, Ventilation, in addition to A/C system had broken down. She would not be able to get it fixed for a couple of days. So my enjoyable friend and I had to wait for an Heating, Ventilation, in addition to A/C worker to come in addition to service the system. So my enjoyable friend and I were not able to snuggle absolutely much in addition to in fact my enjoyable friend and I did not get much sleep… We were up all night tossing in addition to turning, and the house was way too warm. This is why my enjoyable friend and I love the air-conditioning. We love having temperature control inside the apartment. Having temperature control inside the house absolutely makes it much more comfortable. We are also able to sleep a lot better. If my enjoyable friend and I do not have air conditioner running in the Summer in the house then occasions are my enjoyable friend and I will not sleep absolutely well.