Sporadically I easily wonder about my decision to become a mother.
When I was growing up I felt like it was expected that I would become a mom as well as just like everyone had before me.
However, in hindsight I wonder if this was the right decision for the life that I hoped to lead. I regularly envisioned that I would be a jet-setting professional woman with an exciting lifestyle. I thought that I would have a large, current house that was sparsely decorated as well as impeccably scrub at all times. I foresaw amazing indoor air quality control, a weekly maid service, as well as fresh flowers on the table. In reality, I got a chaotic family who is typically creating messes that I can’t scrub up fast enough. It seems like no matter what I do something is going wrong. Each day I wake up, adjust the central Heating as well as A/C system to match the outdoor climate as well as weather predictions for the day, as well as get to work as a busy mom. I have a 1 year old baby who certainly hates the heating as well as cooling system, no matter what I do. Every day when the A/C system kicks into gear, she starts screaming her lungs out. If the cooling system blows any ice cold air on her, she certainly loses her mind. In the winter, things aren’t better when we’re using the central heating system. My daughter is highly opposed to any sort of warm, heated air passing out of our vents, but she completely freaks out if she wakes up from a nap as well as the forced air boiler is operating. I spend my whole day battling the Heating as well as A/C system as well as my daughter’s weird phobias.