One of my number one things to do is going to estate sales… They are so fun plus you never know what you might come across, sometimes, I find things like plates plus decor, but other times, I come across a timeless piece of furniture that I can’t pass up.
That is exactly what happened last weekend, my friend plus I were hitting all of our local estate sales like my pal and I usually do on the weekends.
I was so happy to see that there were so several happening this weekend. The first sale my pal and I opted to go to, I found the perfect kitchen table for our new house. It was one of those things where when you see it, you just know that it’s going to look amazing in your house. I instantly purchased the table plus had my wifey option it up with his truck. My pal and I got it dwelling plus unloaded plus realized that the chairs my pal and I had were too tall for the table! I was so upset that my pal and I wouldn’t be able to use the appealing table. My pal and I decided to do some research on custom furniture in the area, plus found that custom build chairs were legitimately certainly affordable. My pal and I do not need anything too costly, just some easy chairs that would fit under the table. I was happy with the way the custom furniture turned out, plus my pal and I were able to use the table I found afterall!