The heat comes and goes
My boyfriend sent me a text message on the coldest day of the year saying that the heater in his truck had stopped working. I know how cold he must have been driving to work that day because my old car did not have heating. We live in a warm region, so it is not common to have many very cold days. Once in a while, it can be cold. I told my boyfriend to keep a blanket in his car to use on the coldest days. Last weekend, we went out to dinner for a holiday. It was one of those really cold days, and I forgot that there was no heat in his car. The heater would come on for a minute and then blow cold air. The inconsistent heat in the car made it difficult to understand the root of the problem. We decided that on the really cold days, we would take my car. He will be buying a new car soon, so there is no need to repair the heating in the car. Without the heater in the car, he would get much less for the vehicle. It is not uncommon for these types of trucks to need maintenance at a certain mileage. In order to get as much as possible at trade in, he would need to hope that the heater works when they look at it. The heat comes and goes. The AC works fine and that is really all that matters in the climate in which we live.